Additional Testing, Inc. is responsible for collecting specimens for testing, which may include blood, urine, saliva, or hair. These specimens are subsequently sent to a laboratory certified by the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) for processing. Our collection site staff members are certified collectors.
To Employers:
We offer testing in Roseville, Minnesota, and nationwide through our partner collection sites. We can assist the employer in determining which testing panel best suits your needs. Lab only negative test results are typically reported in 24 hours, positives may take up to 72 hours to report.
Post Accident
Follow-Up / Return to Duty
Who We Are
Roslyn Paterson, MA, LPCC, BSN, RN
Roslyn Paterson, MA, LPCC, BSN, RN, is the CEO of Additional Testing, Inc. In combining her medical knowledge with her counseling experience, she is able to assist clients in a comprehensive way. She graduated with her Master’s degree in Adlerian Psychology with Emphasis in Clinical Counseling in 2008 and is now a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor.